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Moving Tips

Beginning well before your moving date, pack one room at a time. Mark all boxes packed per room. As well as the total number packed.

Keep the weight of each box under 50 pounds. This will help you in packing and unpacking if boxes need to be moved around.  It will also facilitate the loading and unloading of your moving van.


A month before your move

-Tour your house and decide which items should be discarded or donated to charity, consider a garage sale.

-Call doctors and dentists.  They may recommend a colleague near your new home.  Get copies of renewable prescriptions.

-Arrange transfer of school records

-Check homeowner's insurance policies to see if moving is covered.  Be sure your new home is protected by transferring fire, theft, and other personal-property insurance.

-Transfer personal insurance records.

-Begin preparing your plants for the move.


20 Days before your move

-Plan to use up most food items before the move.

-Check and clear tax assessments.

-Arrange to have major appliances serviced before you move them.

-Movers can't take aerosol, flammables or ammunition.  Its best to use them up or give them away before you move propane thank must be empted.

-Notify the post office of address forms, notify magazines to which you subscribe.  Note: You must fill out a change of address form for each person receiving mail at your address.


15 Days before your move

-Make your travel reservations for the trip.

-Decide which items you'll pack and which you'd like our company to pack.  We can provide the finest packing materials at reasonable prices.

-Close or transfer all changes accounts.   Return library books and other things you've borrowed.  Collect things you're loaned, and items in lay-away, cold storage, etc.

-Takes the time to fill out  " Welcome To your New Home" for the new owners.  Arrange to discontinue utilities and delivery services.

-Protect your shipment from damage by disposing of flammables such as gasoline, fireworks, matched, cleaning fluids, bottles gas; also aerosol, acids, caustic drain cleaners, etc.

-Arrange connection of utilities in new home.  Draw up a floor plan of your new home, and indicate placement of furnishings. It makes moving in twice as easy.

-We are not permitted to take down TV antennas. We can arrange to have it done, if you wish. Arrange for cable TV disconnection.

-Transfer bank accounts, and ask your local credit bureau to transfer your records to your new city. Reconfirm travel reservations.

-Arrange to have cash certified check or money order to pay driver before goods are unloaded.

Set aside maps, games, snacks, flashlight, and other items you'll take in your car. Gather medicines and important papers for the car trip.

-Your local phone company business office can help you with phone services for your new home, as well as disconnecting services at your present home.

-Drain water from all garden hoses.  Start packing suitcases.

-Drain gasoline from lawn mower.

-Anything we're packing should be left in place. It's easier and safer for example to pack glassware right from the cabinet it's kept in.


On day before your move

-Put cleaning supplies, toiletries, and coffee pot in special box to be loaded last, unloaded first.  Finish packing all suitcases, defrost, clean, and dry refrigerator.


Who should be notified?

-Post office

-Financial Institutions


-Insurance companies

-Credit Bureau



The Services Companies who should be notified

-Service company

-Electric company

-Gas or Fuel Oil

-Telephone Company

-Milk Delivery

-Newspaper Delivery

-Water Company





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